Welcome to the CEHR Net home page.  CEHR Net is pronounced "care net", and stands for Collaborative Electronic Health Record Network.


The goal of CEHR Net is to produce re-useable Electronic Health Record (EHR) software components.  

An EHR is a longitudinal (ideally cradle-to-grave) collection of medical records for an individual.  Its main function is to provide clinicians with the information they need about their patients in order to make sound diagnosis and treatment decisions.  


The CEHR Net initiative evolved from work in clinical systems integration that began at University Health Network in 2000.  

Our  initial goals were to develop a general strategy for integrating diverse operational systems, and to produce software components in support of this strategy.  The first version of a strategy document was released in February 2003.  Later that year, Canada Health Infoway produced a strongly overlapping strategy that achieves the goals in which we are interested.  Thus we are no longer developing a separate strategy, and are focused entirely on implementation.  


We have released the following products to date: 

Other products in progress include: 


For more information, please contact Bryan Tripp or Jim Forbes


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